4230 Asenovgrad, Bulgaria

(00 359) 878 77 88 24 office@krestoni.com

Laboratory tests of metals and plastics

We offer the following services:

For metals:

  • Mechanical tests;
  • Spectral analysis;
  • Non-metal inclusions and gases in metals;
  • Metalography;
  • Scanning electron microscopy and microanalysis;
  • Transmission electron microscopy;
  • X-ray structure analysis;
  • Metal corrosion;
  • Non-destructive testing;
  • Testing of packages;


For plastics:

  • Identification, characterization and technological control over polymers and polymer-based  materials and composites (qualitative and quantitative analysis; thermal properties – Tg, Tm, oxygen index; molecular mass characteristics; size of nanoparticles; viscosity and rheological parameters, etc.)
  • The customers are provided with full information about the interpretation of the analytical data, as well as about the specific conditions and terms of using those materials further on
  • Consultancy services on materials and their usage
  • Development of production technologies