4230 Asenovgrad, Bulgaria

(00 359) 878 77 88 24 office@krestoni.com


Laboratory tests of metals and plastics

We offer the following services: For metals: Mechanical tests; Spectral analysis; Non-metal inclusions and gases in metals; Metalography; Scanning electron microscopy and microanalysis; Transmission electron microscopy; X-ray structure analysis; Metal corrosion; Non-destructive testing; Testing of packages;   For plastics: Identification, characterization and technological control over polymers and polymer-based  materials and composites […]

CNC Machining of metals and plastics

We offer different kind of CNC machining of metals and plastics. CNC Lathe turning; 1.1. We have 4 CNC lathes, one combined (lathe + milling machine) and 3 universal lathes;  1.2. We work mainly with the materials below: — Metals – duraluminium, bronze, brass, copper, stainless steel, steel; — Plastics […]

Plastic injection moulding

We offer services related to the injection molding of plastic parts with up to 70 cc. High quality injection molding of plastics; We work with the most common thermoplastic materials – PE, PP, PA, PC, PS, ABS, PVC, PET, POM, TPU and others.      

Shape & Topology Optimizations

We offer shape and topology optimizations of existing products by customer requirements, aimed at reducing the weight while maintaining strength, leading to increased profits for the manufacturer. Optimizing the shape and dimensions of the parts using computer analysis. The result is a reduced mass and dimensions while maintaining the strength; Optimizing by replacing […]

Engineering Simulations and Analyses

We offer computer simulations and analyses of new and existing products on request. Structural and deformation static analyses using computer simulations by applying a wide range of materials; Nonlinear analyses; Dynamic and motion simulations; Thermal-flow analyses. Fluid interaction with the environment – heat transfer analyses, velocity of fluid, pressure change and […]

Product Development (Design-Engineering)

We offer designing of a brand new product from the first idea to the final product. The stages include: Clarification / idea creation according to the client requirements; Determination of the key highlights of the product; Creating a wide variety of concepts, presented by sketches for discussion with the client; Choosing the […]